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What's Happening in Social Studies!

Students in Miss Belyea's 9th grade Pre-AP Global History class created a presentation for their peers in small groups that explained the impact an individual from the Early Modern Era had in Global History.

Pre-AP Global History class

Ms. Patricia Shih came to Marion G. Vedder Elementary School to run a workshop about China’s geography and culture with third grade students. During their time together, students got to pronounce and write Chinese numbers and phrases! 

Second graders in Mrs. Kreuscher’s class at MGV ended their unit on Geography and Map Skills by creating their own treasure maps! Students had to create and name their own island, including landforms, community services, a map key, and compass rose. Then, they had to hide the treasure and give directions on how to find it!

Mr. Fengler's and Mr. Manzella's 10th grade Global History students learned about the Cold War from each other by creating a museum of projects representing various Cold War events.

Ms. Roberto's fifth grade students at MGV read various picture books about Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and then created a book review poster that portrayed his legacy.

Second graders in Ms. Goldsborough's and Ms. Dolezal's class at Belmont, as a culminating activity for their Jobs & Services in the Community unit, dressed up as who they want to be when they grow up and fielded questions from their classmates.

Career day

Career day

The Fifth Grade Hallway of Heroes at DeLuca where students designed informational posters after researching an influential human rights advocate and connected that figure to an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Hallway of Heroes

Hallway of Heroes

Mrs. Hovanec's kindergarteners at MGV learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by listening to several read alouds to learn the important message of equality, and then created projects to show how we are all friends.

MLK Jr K projects

MLK Jr Project

First grade students at MGV created their own models of North Babylon to culminate their study of the communities unit.

North Babylon class models

Student with model

Student with model


Student with model

Student with model

Third grade students in Ms. Floyd's class at Belmont are creating graffiti walls about the geography of China.

Students learning about China

Students learning about China

Students learning about China

Fifth grade students at DeLuca created posters to outline amendments to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

Students with UDHR posters

Students with UDHR posters

Students with UDHR posters

Students with UDHR posters

Sixth grade students in Mr. Pollock's and Ms. Rosengarten's classes created Egyptian masks during their study of Ancient Egyptian civilization.

Class made Egyptian masks

Class made Egyptian masks

Class made Egyptian masks

4th grade students at Belmont discussed the traditional culture, customs and government of the Haudenosaunee people of New York State.  Students also participated in making clay pots that were once used by these Native Americans.

  • Haudenosaunee people presentation
  • Haudenosaunee people presentation
  • Haudenosaunee people presentation
  • Haudenosaunee people presentation

5th grade students at DeLuca showing off their Early People of the Americas projects.

Early People of the Americas projects

Early People of the Americas projects

Early People of the Americas projects

  • Early People of the Americas projects
  • Early People of the Americas projects
  • Early People of the Americas projects
  • Early People of the Americas projects

Students in Ms. Serino's and Ms. Sottile's class read about the life and work of Malala during their Universal Declaration of Human Rights unit, and then created their own magic pencil to describe how they would change the world.  Afterwards, they worked together to research and conduct an analysis of Malala's life and her perseverance in protecting all human rights. 

On the right, you can see the completed Malala Body Biography Project.

First graders at MGV celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month by engaging in a variety of cultural activities.

9th grade Pre-AP Global History students at NBHS drawing “Instagram” posts to teach their classmates about Early River Valley Civilizations.


Seventh grade students working in groups to research the different Native American culture regions in North America.